No arguments there. Unfortunately the EU is controlled by intellectually challenged people who has as only ambition to control the citizens in every aspect of their lives. It started out as a union of free trade and to remove most of the bureaucracy of international trade and to make it possible for people to move freely within the union. Now it has turned into the worst case scenario from 1984.
What i do, what i think …
Man or Woman ?
On instagram or on threads, I want to meet people too, except that I’m fair-haired, light-eyed, not too old and bearded 😀 So why don’t I get any likes? When I told my mum I wished I’d been born a woman (and I was 14) … I’d have had the whole world at my feet … or somewhere else 😛
Yes ! one win !
Friday I had chills. As always with my country’s rugby team! What an acapella anthem!! And good match !
Money, money and more money!
We live in a world where everything is linked to money.
Why is it so important for women, too, when it comes to finding a partner? -
Why ?
Why is it so hard to find someone who just wants to be loved? The rest doesn’t matter when you love, life is so hard. Why complicate it?
A little trip
Today, i am going to see a friend and after that i am going to the Apple Store. Yeahh !